首页> 恋爱话术库> 女生说想要东西了怎么回复他


What is it that you want? Tell me more about it.
Is there something specific you have in mind or are you just in the mood for shopping?
Sure, let's go shopping and you can pick out what you want.
Is this something you need or just something you've been wanting for a while?
I'm happy to get it for you if it's within a reasonable budget.
Tell me more about why you want it. Is it for a special occasion or just because?
Does this mean you've been saving up for it or is it an unexpected desire?
Can you give me some more details about what you're looking for?
Are you sure this is something you truly want, or is it just a passing desire?
Let's discuss it further and see if it's something we can make happen.
话术啦 恋爱话术 备案号:琼ICP备15003465号-10