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 Angels are the guardians of love and light that guide us through the darkness.

 When the world seems bleak, angels are the light that shines through the darkness.

 Angels are the messengers of hope, bringing peace and comfort to those in need.

 With wings of pure white and hearts of pure gold, angels are the embodiment of grace and beauty.

 Angels are the gentle whispers in our hearts that remind us of our infinite potential.

 In times of trouble, angels are the gentle hand that guides us back to the path of love and kindness.

 Angels are the purest expression of love, shining like beacons in the darkest of times.

 When the world feels heavy, angels are the light that lifts us up and reminds us of our divine purpose.

 With every flutter of their wings, angels remind us of the beauty and magic that surrounds us.

 Angels are the divine messengers of love and light, sent to guide us on our journey through life.
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