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I understand that we just broke up, but it's natural to miss someone you were close to. How are you doing?
I appreciate your honesty, but it's important for both of us to take some time apart and heal. Let's focus on ourselves for now.
I think it's better for us to give each other some space right now. It's not easy, but it's for the best.
I understand that you're feeling this way, but it's important for us to respect the decision we made and try to move forward separately.
I understand that you're missing me, but remember the reasons why we decided to end the relationship. Let's focus on our individual growth for now.
I'm sorry that you're feeling this way, but it's important for both of us to take this time apart and reflect on our own needs and happiness.
It's normal to miss someone after a breakup, but it's important for us to remember why we made this decision. Let's give each other the space we need.
I understand that you're feeling this way, but it's important for us to respect our breakup and give each other the time and space to heal.
I appreciate your honesty, but it's crucial for both of us to focus on our own personal growth right now. Let's give each other the space we need.
I understand that you miss me, but it's important for us to respect our decision and take this time to focus on ourselves. Let's support each other in moving on.
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