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Well, I guess I'll just have to start speaking in sign language then!
Oh, so now we're having an English lesson? I must have missed the memo!
Wow, I didn't realize my English was so entertaining. Glad I could provide some amusement!
I'm glad I can make your day with my English skills. Maybe I should consider stand-up comedy!
I'm just practicing my language skills, but if you'd prefer a comedy show, I can arrange that too!
Oh, I see. My English is so bad that it's become a form of entertainment. Well, I aim to please!
Thanks for the laugh! I didn't realize my English had comedic potential.
If you think my English is funny, you should hear me attempt to speak another language!
I'm glad I can bring some humor to your day. Laughter is the best medicine, after all!
Well, if my English can make you smile, then I consider that a success. Mission accomplished!
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