首页> 恋爱话术库> 网上聊天女生说有男朋友了怎么回复


That's great! I'm happy for you and your boyfriend.
No worries, I wasn't trying to hit on you or anything. I just wanted to have a friendly chat.
Oh, I see. Well, it was nice getting to know you and I wish you both the best.
Thanks for letting me know. I respect your relationship and will keep the conversation purely platonic.
I appreciate your honesty. Let's just be friends then.
No problem at all. It's always good to be upfront about these things.
I totally understand. I hope you have a wonderful time with your boyfriend.
I'm glad you found someone special. Best of luck to you both!
Oh, that's understandable. I hope your relationship brings you happiness.
Thanks for sharing that with me. Let's continue chatting as friends, if you're comfortable with it.
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