首页> 恋爱话术库> 女生说今天晚上有流星该怎么回复


Wow, that sounds amazing! Have you seen a shooting star before?
I'll definitely keep an eye out for it. Do you know the best time to see them?
I love watching meteor showers. It's such a magical experience. Are you going to watch it with someone?
I've heard that making a wish when you see a shooting star brings good luck. What do you wish for?
Thanks for letting me know! I'll make sure to grab a blanket and some snacks to enjoy the show.
Do you want to go stargazing together tonight? It could be a romantic date idea.
I can't wait to see the shooting stars tonight. It's always such a breathtaking sight.
It's so cool that we get to witness a natural phenomenon like this. Nature never ceases to amaze me.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay up late enough to see it, but I'll definitely try my best! It's too good to miss.
I hope the sky is clear tonight so we can see the shooting stars clearly. Fingers crossed!
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