首页> 恋爱话术库> 女生说让你猜她今天吃了什么怎么回复


Hmm, did you have sushi for lunch today?
I'm going to guess you had a salad for lunch today.
I bet you had a sandwich for lunch today.
I'm guessing you had some soup for lunch today.
Did you have Chinese food for lunch today?
I'm going to guess you had a smoothie for lunch today.
Did you have a burrito for lunch today?
I'm guessing you had some pasta for lunch today.
Did you have a wrap for lunch today?
I'm going to guess you had a burger for lunch today.
 Love is not just a feeling, it's a promise. And today, we make that promise to each other.

 Today, we unite as one, bound together by the power of love and the promise of forever.

 Two hearts beating as one, two souls joined together, two lives forever intertwined.

 Today, we celebrate the beginning of our journey together, and the promise of a lifetime of love and happiness.

 As we exchange our vows, we know that our love will only grow stronger with each passing day.

 Today, we pledge our hearts to each other and promise to cherish and protect this love for all eternity.

 Love is not just a word, it's a commitment. And today, we commit to each other for a lifetime of love and devotion.

 Today, we start a new chapter in our lives, and we do it together, hand in hand, heart to heart.

 As we stand here today, we are reminded that love is the most beautiful thing in the world, and we are blessed to have found it in each other.

 May our love be like the sun, shining bright and warm, lighting up our lives and bringing us endless joy and happiness.
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